November 2023 Release - Latter Rain
Welcome to TestNet - Latter Rain!
Testing Starts: September 18th, 2023
Testing Ends: November 1, 2023
In this thread we will be testing:
- New sanctuary sizes (Altar, Sanctuary, Temple) with collateral amounts (455,001, 4,500,001, and 45,000,001) and corresponding payments of (10%, 100%, 1000%)
a. Verify each size of sanc can register properly and appear in the deterministic masternode list
b. Verify the payment amount on each sanc
c. Verify the chain can sync from 0 after we solve some temple blocks
- Verify the monthly superblock still works and emits and is the correct amount
- Our background batch job has been retired (ReviveSanctuaries); this is because now investors should not interfere with LLMQ quorums
- Verify Quorums form for Temples only (this increases the reliability for Chainlocks)
- Verify Temple and Altar coins in wallet lock in coin control and require an unlock (like regular sancs) so they dont get spent by accident
- Verify inactive sanctuaries (IE investor nodes) receive 50%
- Verify masternodelist shows the Tribe for a Temple
- This release includes a fix in RX miner to sleep after solving a block in MAINNET to attempt to prevent the CLSIG (Chainlock) lagging block scenario
- Cutover height 192200
Explain Changes to Entire BiblePay Network: - Explanation of the Sanc sizes and benefits: Explain usage instructions
Wiki Articles:
Older - Create a Sanc:
Starting Version: (Please ensure your version is greater than this, in order to sync. See post #2 for current hash.
Testnet Download Links: Ready:
Windows 64-bit: Linux 64 bits II (QT/biblepayd/biblepay-cli) zip: READY (ask before trying):
(Inquire first before downloading) MacOS QT: self compile:
git pull origin develop
CONFIGURING FOR TESTNET:Create a biblepaytest.conf file with the following contents:
Place the file in ~/.biblepay
Start testnet by typing:./biblepay-qt -conf=biblepaytest.conf
(Note the blocks and chainstate will sync into the ./biblepay/testnet3 folder.
NOTE: If you only have one machine, you can run in testnet side by side a prod node.
To create a TestNet Sanctuary:
#2 -
#3 - Rob Andrews
#4 -