Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Hi Rob and all, Unchained is still off line

But Happy Easter ( little late ) to everyone...

Happy Easter.

No, I have a monitor on unchained and its uptime is 99%.

Its online. 



I just updated our Wells page to be more modern, and also added our latest new well:

Well #37 is complete!  BiblePay has done so much with so little.  Our sowing has been so fertile and precious.

Production Proposals / April 2023 - Cameroon-One Orphan Expenses
« on: April 02, 2023, 07:08:57 AM »
We currently sponsor 35 orphans from cameroon-one, and this proposal is for the primary payment to cameroon-one.

I am seeking 8MM bbp (approx $600) covering a high proportion of our 35 orphans (we pay $40 per month for each orphan). 

Payout going directly to cameroon-one: BF6qmwBMmnmb4FbSmRGTeWQL1m3rwh5n7b

Good idea!  Looking into your coins...

10 Countries where the Bible is Banned:
The last 5 include some good dialogue:

Production Proposals / Re: Can't make new post.
« on: March 04, 2023, 09:33:54 AM »
I was perusing the site and there are a lot of dead links.  Easy example is the Tokok link in the "get coins" -> "Exchange" section.  There are several other instances of information not having been updated for a while.  The white paper, for example, still shows PODC and PoBH mining and is from 2018.  So, it seems to me that the main website will need some updating soon.

Removed the dead links (TOKOK) and a couple more that I found to old docs on

We will add a bounty for the rewrite of the whitepaper after the next release which is due out in about 45 days which includes sanctuary mining (that replaces heat heat mining).

Production Proposals / March 2023 - Cameroon One Orphan Expenses
« on: March 04, 2023, 07:45:17 AM »
We currently sponsor 35 orphans from cameroon-one, and this proposal is for the primary payment to cameroon-one.

I am seeking 8.4MM bbp (approx $600) covering a high proportion of the orphans (we pay $40 per month for each orphan). 

Payout going directly to cameroon-one: BF6qmwBMmnmb4FbSmRGTeWQL1m3rwh5n7b

Pre-Proposal Discussion / Re: Sanctuary Video Transcoding Mining - 2023
« on: February 18, 2023, 08:39:07 AM »
You mentioned that this video service will be user friendly and be able to help BBP become more popular.  How is the user supposed to upload videos and pay for the service in an easy to understand manner?  Maybe theres a wiki on this and I just missed it.  Is there a GUI or website that a person can go to and easily upload the videos and then be able to link to that video on thier own website?  Are there plans to also host data other than videos?

Thanks!  I have been mining for a couple years now and am excited about the work you guys do on this crypto.  I'm just wondering if this service would be user friendly to get more attention from people who aren't invested in this project.

Ive been a little concerned about that myself, I mean, comparing the ability to share gospel videos (and prophecy videos), and provide a CDN (IE a real world valuable service) as compared to mining really when you weigh them out, Imho, the video service wins over heat mining, right.  So thats step 1.
Regarding the web site, we have "" and it does have a video viewer where you can view the sanctuary videos right now.  Although I admit, the ERC20 login process and register process needs to be improved.  Its a little hard to understand as a new user how to create an account (you can but its not easy to understand).  I feel that I can handle improving that.
Im really over the long term looking for more help in making BBPs timeline and social media presence better (IE more programmers).
But yes, we totally need wikis, and Im absolutely sure we can document the upload video process and the view video process, and figure out some type of staking that goes on to make BBP more valuable (maybe staking BBP on an important video for example).
In the past our devs have already written an upload UI, but its just not exposed yet so that will be available too (for the avg user to upload something).

Production Proposals / Re: Can't make new post.
« on: February 18, 2023, 08:33:57 AM »
I was perusing the site and there are a lot of dead links.  Easy example is the Tokok link in the "get coins" -> "Exchange" section.  There are several other instances of information not having been updated for a while.  The white paper, for example, still shows PODC and PoBH mining and is from 2018.  So, it seems to me that the main website will need some updating soon.
Hi UC,

Yeah thank you very much, you point out very valid concerns, thank you.
I should be able to take care of the Tokok link myself, alright, I just started a todo list, I will take care of that one.
I would prefer to make a bounty for the white paper.  Im adding this bounty to my todo.  If you are interested in this bounty its probably 2MM bbp or so to give the whitepaper a facelift, let me know.
If you have more send them and we can address them, thanks.

Production Proposals / Re: Can't make new post.
« on: February 16, 2023, 06:01:24 AM »
Hey. I can't seem to make new post! This place would be much more alive if it was easier to navigate!

I'm currently in the making of a mining how-to video. Since none of the links on the site seem to work!

Please let me know what is going on here or if it's just me.

Also I'm looking to buy 4,500,000 BBP coins. I figured the forum would be a good place to start but like I said, its like a ghost town in here!

Your first few posts need approved (due to spam attacks on the internet, just like bitcointalk etc).
Links dont work?  We would need an example and please be specific because we have multiple systems.  Ive been fixing any bad links that I know of.
To buy BBP, you can buy it on SouthXChange.

Production Proposals / Feb 2023 Cameroon-One Orphan Expenses
« on: February 05, 2023, 06:46:40 AM »
We currently sponsor 35 orphans from cameroon-one, and this proposal is for the primary payment to cameroon-one.

I am seeking 9MM bbp (approx $600) covering a high proportion of the orphans (we pay $40 per month for each orphan).  Our monthly gov cap is currently 9.6MM bbp.

Payout going directly to cameroon-one: BF6qmwBMmnmb4FbSmRGTeWQL1m3rwh5n7b

Our Poem for Orphans

Orphans, children without a home
Their hearts are broken, they feel alone
No mother's touch, no father's kiss
Their childhood, forever missed

They wander the streets, with no place to stay
Hoping for love, but it's hard to pray
They dream of a family, to call their own
But for now, they're just all alone

They've seen the darkness, of this world
But they still have hope, they still unfurl
They'll find a way, to make it through
With the help of kind hearts, like me and you

Let's show them love, and give them care
Let's be their family, and show them we're there
Let's give them hope, for a brighter tomorrow
For the Orphans, let's borrow and borrow.

Let's be the light in their darkest days
Let's wipe away their tears, and chase their fears away
Let's give them a chance, at a life full of love
For the Orphans, let's rise above.

Let's give them a home, and a family too
For Orphans, let's see them through
Let's be the change, they need to see
For Orphans, let's set them free.

The Song

Verse 1:
In the beginning, there was a vision
A coin for charity and good decision
BiblePay, the name, a symbol of faith
A community united, a new path to pave

BiblePay, BiblePay
The coin of hope, the coin of grace
BiblePay, BiblePay
Together we'll make a better place

Verse 2:
With every block mined, a blessing bestowed
A way to give back, to those in need, to uphold
A decentralized future, a decentralized past
BiblePay's mission, to make it last

BiblePay, BiblePay
The coin of hope, the coin of grace
BiblePay, BiblePay
Together we'll make a better place

With every transaction, a prayer is said
For a world of peace, where all are fed
BiblePay, a coin of love and light
Leading the way, to a future bright

BiblePay, BiblePay
The coin of hope, the coin of grace
BiblePay, BiblePay
Together we'll make a better place

BiblePay, the coin of hope
BiblePay, the coin of grace
Join us in our mission, to make a difference in this place.

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