Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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I forgot to mention, on the localhost version of Unchained, we no longer use metamask.
It strictly connects to the unchained.conf file, gets your keypair, and considers you logged in if it has a valid keypair.
This keypair links your wallet to the cockroachdb user record instance which gets your Nickname (and allows you to use social media features etc as a community user).

We should not have changed the location of the unzip; I will look at the installer process and for a log and get back to you.

What version are you currently showing on the home page?

Still did not work for me. Am I supposed to sign in using another wallet (ie metamask) or is that automatic given the .conf file? My unchained BBP address is automatically recognized.

This is output of the BMS window:

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Now listening on:
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: C:\Users\damia\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay\BMS
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.SessionMiddleware[7]
      Error unprotecting the session cookie.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The payload was invalid.
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Cng.CbcAuthenticatedEncryptor.DecryptImpl(Byte* pbCiphertext, UInt32 cbCiphertext, Byte* pbAdditionalAuthenticatedData, UInt32 cbAdditionalAuthenticatedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Cng.Internal.CngAuthenticatedEncryptorBase.Decrypt(ArraySegment`1 ciphertext, ArraySegment`1 additionalAuthenticatedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.UnprotectCore(Byte[] protectedData, Boolean allowOperationsOnRevokedKeys, UnprotectStatus& status)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.DangerousUnprotect(Byte[] protectedData, Boolean ignoreRevocationErrors, Boolean& requiresMigration, Boolean& wasRevoked)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.Unprotect(Byte[] protectedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.CookieProtection.Unprotect(IDataProtector protector, String protectedText, ILogger logger)

Yeah, the key would be to upgrade to 6.5.2 (you can see the version from the Home page).

I dont know what this error means.

Please try to kill BiblePay BMS from task manager and try one more time?

Then paste stack again?

In the mean time, Ill do a little research and see if we have a separate log for upgrading.

Good luck.

Once you are on 6.5.2 I think your login will work fine (even though its just a local login to localhost).

Dear Rob,
Sorry for some reason I could not remember which web wallet was open when I connected to unchained and hence I cannot login with the same credentials.
I have a phone number (provisioned with 12065310541 to BAuYpKr22mkULvTKb3YiqG3TszbgdXzWRR) but as I cannot login, I cannot make calls.

Ok, I released the latest version (6.52) which includes voice mail.
Go ahead and click Unchained from the left menu from your node and it should upgrade (it could take a good 3-4 mins).  Ive got a future feature coming where it will display the upgrade progress but that is hard to release (right now there is a 50% chance you will get a popup telling you that its upgrading); either way just wait til the web page loads.

Then verify its v6.52 on the web UI; then you should be logged in.

Try saving your NickName just to be sure things work then you should be able to test the phone.

I tested this upgrade on my remote test node and it worked.

Dear Rob,
Sorry for some reason I could not remember which web wallet was open when I connected to unchained and hence I cannot login with the same credentials.
I have a phone number (provisioned with 12065310541 to BAuYpKr22mkULvTKb3YiqG3TszbgdXzWRR) but as I cannot login, I cannot make calls.

I just remembered I had fixed a few problems in unchained during the last round of phone testing and maybe I broke login; let me release the new version of unchained with voice mail and we can test login again.

Hang on...

On further inspection

Version 5.9 no longer exists on the site. can we substitute another version?


Ok this is fixed.
To build biblepay:
git pull origin master

cd depends
make -j 8

Then after it builds the dependencies, you can continue (just in case you want to verify the entire build finishes, then we can have self built binaries in the future).

On further inspection

Version 5.9 no longer exists on the site. can we substitute another version?


You also asked:
Let's say one sanc chain is fully synced, which directories can I copy to the rest of the other /data/biblepay(n) directories so that their chain will be also synced with each of the other sancs, without having to sync from scratch for each of them, or is it necessary for temple sancs to sync from scratch (ie do template sancs communicate with one another to ensure they are internally synced with each other?) What happens when on sanc is out-of-sync, does it automatically get a consensus from internal temple sancs first or just from the blockchain on the internet?

-> I havent found a way to make multiple sanc instances share a data directory (I think thats impossible).  I just have one data directory per sanc.  So they all sync individually right now.  Mainly because database locking - you cant share the database file with more than one node at a time.  (If you are bootstrapping you can ungzip a copy of the synced folder in first; which we dont publish yet but we should in the future).

Ok, thanks for the detailed compile report.
Ive reproduced this on one of my boxes and it is exactly as you say, a build dependency issue is missing and would have affected any upstream coin as well (AKA Dash, Bitcoin) until the build dependency script was fixed (which it looks like it was fixed in the future because there have been commits made to bitcoin and dash for this).  Yes/No on using a new version; No in the sense you cant just change it as it requires a hash and compatibility, but Yes it can be fixed other ways but is very tedious.

The issue with changing these dependencies is there are a whole slew of patches with different QT versions and we cant simply pull the latest Depends(build) files from DASH, because they are Only compatible with recent builds, and you cant change the QT version without disrupting the patches.
Best bet is to inherit all these Depends changes at once during our next rebase and in the mean time fix the dependency URL to point to a real download of 5.9 from somewhere else on the internet.

Ok, now that I know of the problem Ill see if I can host QT 5.9 on the biblepay server a little later and see if that fixes it with a clean build.

Will you be testing a phone call soon?

One more basic question:
For the Windows Desktop BMS server ie unchained.

How does one sign in? I cannot perform any actions without signing in and I am sorry but I cannot figure out how to sign in.

I think I was signed in previously as I could add the NFTs, but I am not signed in at present.

Thank you.

Hi bro Oncoapop,

The way authentication works on Desktop unchained is if you have a New wallet, (and no Unchained keypair yet in your Receiving addresses list) , we create one and then we create an 'unchained.conf' file in the data directory (similar to wallet.dat).
That keypair is then used for authentication and spending within all of unchained.  (Phone calls are billed there and file hosting is billed there too, and you can spend from that key from the unchained wallet page).
If you move your system you would have to copy that unchained.conf and then it would authenticate as you again.
(On a side note I sent you an email a few weeks back using this forum email address you have on file).
You can go to Profile and change your Nickname and click save, and that should save your record and prove when you move machine to machine you are logged in.

One more thing, when you have phone numbers attached to that key they stay with that key, so its very important to keep that file once phone numbers and NFTs are attached to that key.

Active Discussions / Re: March 2023 - Red Sea Release
« on: July 13, 2023, 08:38:04 PM »
God morning

 If i make a easy sanc,that will be a cold sanc,right? And if i like a active sanc i can chang it to do so?Will my KEMO(vpn) be a trouble fore it to work?

Just to make a distinction between cold & hot sancs, that term used to be at the beginning but hot sancs are no longer supported.  All that means is at one time, we used to be able to put collateral in a sanc and run it on a VMS and that sanc would have 4,500,001 in its wallet and therefore it was a hot sanc.  Those are no longer supported - all sancs are cold now.  (Cold just means the collateral stays in your home wallet, but gets allocated/locked which points the collateral to a running sanc, allowing that running sanc to have a cold wallet).  Which is good for security.

If you run a sanc at home vs VPS, that would just be Dynamic IP sanc vs Static IP sanc.  Both work fine as real sancs (IE you will get the full reward).

The only downside to dynamic IP sancs is if your IP changes you get pose banned (which moves your sanc into Investor mode), and then you have to change your IP in your 'deterministic.conf' file and run the revivesanc sancname command to recover.  While its being POSE banned, all that happens is you move temporarily into 50% pay mode until you revive the sanc.  Btw, we caption the sanc as 'INVESTOR' when that happens.

Thank you, Rob, the guide was useful.

I used the precomplied binaries which were downloaded instead of compiling it on the server as compilation did not work on the first try.

Let's say one sanc chain is fully synced, which directories can I copy to the rest of the other /data/biblepay(n) directories so that their chain will be also synced with each of the other sancs, without having to sync from scratch for each of them, or is it necessary for temple sancs to sync from scratch (ie do template sancs communicate with one another to ensure they are internally synced with each other?) What happens when on sanc is out-of-sync, does it automatically get a consensus from internal temple sancs first or just from the blockchain on the internet?

Also, I instead of putting the conf files in a directory called /config, each of them are in the respective directories to aid trouble-shooting eg /data/biblepay1/biblepay1.conf

Would you like to commission my son who is on summer break to design some NFTs? We need to have a bit of back and forth as to what the designs are as they have to look professional and desirable!

Thank you.

Ok, it might be OK that you've moved the configs to other places in this case (hopefully).

Do you know what error you received in the compile and what led up to it?  Im not against using the precompiled binaries, but it doesnt make me feel too good if we go end to end building the temple and we have a basic compile problem (will probably become an issue when we get to the advanced troubleshooting with cockroachdb, possibly).

I dont want to set expectations too high on the NFT side; Im not going to have the bandwidth to talk about NFTs for quite a while; I would prefer if you work directly with the community on that so that Im not a blocker.

Any progress on testing the phone system?

Active Discussions / Re: March 2023 - Red Sea Release
« on: July 08, 2023, 01:14:05 PM »
woow! some good stuff coming!
Yes sir and Voice Mail is working, just needs released. Now a message can go to voice mail, has a greeting, and there is playback of messages.  Should be released within this next week or so.

SMS is 50% working.  Need to figure out how billing can work since its .01 cent per sms roughly.

I also need to release SMS enabled US phone numbers as there is a "bit" that prevents some numbers from sending SMS.
For example numbers that are for businesses only like nnn-4900 cannot send sms (i dont know why, maybe its a PSTN thing).

Dear Rob,
I have finally managed to set up a Cantabo VPS with the specs. 8 vCPU, 30 Gb RAM, 800 Gb SSD. What is the recommended method to set up each of the sanctuaries such that I can also set up cockroachdb on the same server to optimize usage of the machine? If there is a Wiki somewhere for this process, could you please point me to it, so that I can set it up properly from the first go without having to reprovision it if I screw up.
Thank you.

Hi Oncoapop,

Thats awesome.  Well there is no Temple guide yet, but, I can make one because we will absolutely have problems when we start talking about running 10 instances of biblepayd on different ports and also sharing the 10* instances of data directories (which requires a setting),  and also sharing the 10* config files (which requires a setting).  So I will be able to make one.

But in the mean time to get you started, pre-notes:
1) You won't need 10 sub vms inside the big vm, you will just need to run 10 instances of BBP to be a temple
2) You can ignore the section about Swap as thats only for nodes with < 1gb ram
3) You can ignore the developer notes and troubleshooting notes as those are primarily for building windows and mac

I recommend first just building one instance of biblepay first, and see if you get to the end of the build so that it makes a biblepayd file.
Once it gets that far it should be relatively easy for me to make a Temple guide and get you to the point where 10 are running properly.
Then I need to make yet another enhanced guide to handle the new unreleased cockroachdb cluster installer (which we can tackle after these first two big steps).

Plz follow this guide: Building BBP on linux:

In my case I usually install BBP prod in "/biblepay" and BBP testnet in "/biblepaytest" from the root of the drive and install everything as root (so that all paths can be written to).

(You dont need to install bbp test, just pointing it out that you can also use that big box for testing as well.


Here is the guide to set up 10 sancs to be a Potential Temple:

Let me know when you get all 10 running and Ill make a guide for releasing a cockroach cluster.

Also, if you are looking for the EasySanc doc (this is what gives you the sanctuary BLS_PRIV_KEY) there is a link for it in the Red Sea release post above (the one with the red sea picture/mandatory upgrade).

Hi Rob,

Southxchange wallet seems to still be offline have they given you any updates on this?

Hey Bro,

Yeah, there was some issue with building the latest release for their architecture and I just found out about the block yesterday; I posted a potential solution in their discord.  Today two of the SX engineers ack'ed.

Active Discussions / Re: March 2023 - Red Sea Release
« on: July 04, 2023, 08:25:54 AM »
does the bbp rate of the phone auto adjusts itself when the price changes?

Yes.  Just make a call and check your billing history, it is always charged at the exchange rate.

I am working on SMS, VoiceMail and Routing.

What about sms service also on the softphone?
Sounds like a cool thing to look into, Ill check.
But Ill probably work on routing first.  (Mapping to multiple #s).

Let me know if anyone is interested in having voicemail on their BBP phone.

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