Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Just checked my logs and saw a spam of invalid block headers. I also noticed that there hasn't been any new block since the 28 lol. My explorer somehow went on a fork. I'm going to resync it now.

Yeah, btw, I have some inside info on why some forks start to occur (at least part of the problem).  If we have say 8 masternodes, and lets say 2 are only connected via 1 node to the rest, if that 1 node gets ddossed, that masternode will have a propensity to create its own chain (especially with our low diff on testnet).

Now the smoking gun here is our recent fix to the biblehash itself makes it much more likely that those running 1062 are all producing the same hashes.  So, somehow we should probably make an effort to ask everyone on testnet to upgrade to 1062.

What I can do from my side is force an upgrade to 1063, and force a protocol upgrade (meaning everyone lower than 1062 actually gets disconnected).  It might be worth doing between Dec 2 and Dec 20th just to ensure we dont have a lurking problem.

Let me take a look at the retirement issue before monkeying with it.  I think we were close on that but not quite done.

EDIT: BTW, you may have to delete your banlist.dat before resyncing to bring back all nodes into your testnet node.

Awesome work Alex! Looking good :)

Looking at the masternode list, mine says 'NEW_START_REQUIRED' in your overview ( That's strange, because my masternode says 'ENABLED' when I call 'masternodelist' and my controller-wallet says 'WATCHDOG_EXPIRED'.

So I've got three different status-things going on with the same sanctuary :p I've been getting my payments and the both the sanctuary and controller-wallet are on the same chain:

Code: [Select]

getblockhash 53371



What do you guys think this might mean?

Yeah, looking at Alex's testnet masternode list, something does look wrong....

Im showing you on my masternode list as enabled now (  First, you are right in that when you issue the command to start, the local wallet just changes the caption blindly.  However, the other values: watchdog_expired, Enabled, new_start_required should be network values. 

But looking at 45.76...64 and 45.76..42 those two are Enabled on my controller, my vultr, my other vultr, my dev machine but "Expired" in the explorer... Hmmmmm, explorer is synced though.  Thats strange.

Alex, what happens if you look at those 2 node statuses from the GUI?  Do they match the explorer?

Oh also if I may add, you may still receive rewards even if your masternode "dies" / is not valid anymore (up to 36 hours after it dies).
Yes, that masternode list looks great!   Well at least its pulling the view from the wallet, so that puts the onus on us here to figure the rest out regarding consistency.

Btw, did you ever figure out the exact hours elapsed when you stopped receiving payments?

I have a tad little bit of insight on the PRE-ENABLED flag.   If you blindly call masternode start-alias (as most people do) the command is sent over the P2P port (40001), reaches the actual masternode and the masternode logs something to the effect of "masternode sync data not synced yet" and no error is raised (and a log is logged on the masternode but only if debugmaster=true).  So yeah, its a nuisance, but no work was ever put into it because there is a workaround.  The workaround is you must first go to the masternode and type mnsync status and know that it only follows controller commands if mnsync status is 999.  So in real life, we basically just need to click on the peer height in your controller to see if the node is in sync and then issue the command 5 mins later.  Its just a pitfall we need to know about.

One other thing on this topic:  If the masternode made enemies with a section of the network (IE ddossed 3 out of 5 masternodes), it will no longer follow the same potential fork.  Thats probably what happened here when I shut down my vultr nodes, we lost 2 of 5, and a couple who were only peers of vultr started mining their own chain.  Their mnsync status is then different than the other masternodes (because their payment ranking is different), causing all kinds of potential problems.  So the expectation is, in prod, with over 100 masternodes we will be clinging to the same chain due to the supermajority being on the same sync height.

@Rob, found an easier way to do it without the rpc call. I will just swap it myself so I just need a list of all the abbreviations used by biblepay and their corresponding names.

Edit: Added something similar to reftagger.

Edit2: Found the abbreviation list, will add them soon.

Edit3: Everything has been added. Pushed it to the prod explorer.

Dude, that is simply stunning!  I like the spinner that comes up while its retrieving the verse also!
I figured you would find the book list in the code LOL.

This is really what cryptoenthusiasts are looking for when I said we should find features to add value to BBP.
I know its only 16 hours of your work now, but Im telling you in the future, these type of things will be the cornerstone of biblepay if we dont go through the great trib soon.  Once we have enough organic users, people will be all over the internet mentioning things like this and driving us up to 80MM-120MM market cap.

Now I need to step up and add some myself :)

Ill mention this feature in our other forum now and then you can talk about it when people reply....


Code: [Select]
./biblepay-cli exec orderstatus
  "Command": "orderstatus",
  "0718083296": {
    "Product ID": "0718083296",
    "Price": 12230,
    "Added": "",
    "Title": "The NKJV, Holy Bible, Larger Print, Paperback",
    "Status1": "PLACED",
    "Status2": "FILLING ORDER",
    "Status3": "USPS XXXXXXX",
    "Details": ""

I see the order status! (replaced it with Xs)

USPS tracking service is currently down haha, so cant check online yet, but awesome!

Oh thats great dude!
Yeah, a week ago I thought man its going to be so awesome to put Amazon inside the wallet, then this article came out :

Im sure it will blow over, but its kind of disappointing to see a company with so much success be so greedy for profit.
I thought their warehouse workers made some money, but it says here they have tactics to hire people under minimum wage - similar to how the mechanical turks from AWS make .25 cents an hour...

@Rob oh that's really cool, I can certainly do that. How would that rpc call work?

Got you for the seed. Maybe at some point then depending on how I modify my infrastructure  and if we get really popular!
I will probably put it at when/if that happens.

It automatically removes it for aesthetic reasons if your screen is under 992px (original iquidus design choice).
I will have a look at it but mobile browsing is not on top of the list for me as it can get really tricky  :(.

Ok cool, if you have the infrastructure Alex for a port forward, maybe you can forward 40000 to  If you do just let me know and Ill add it to the base.  It would be nice to have more than me in there, because that external node is maxxed out with connections.  Now that I think about it, I can easily add my node to dns seed (that will be a future sanctuary), OK thats done so we are good.

Anyway, on the Bible Verse RefTagger Pop-Ups: This would probably only work for you if you memorize them inside the code first and dump them in.  But for fun lets look at the calls:
exec books

This call gives you a list of all 66 books in the bible and the corresponding short names used in BiblePay during hashing.
So once you know the short names you can type:
exec bookname rev

And receive "REVELATION"
Or exec bookname mat and receive "MATTHEW".

So what you can do is if you saw for example "REV|1|1" in the biblehash you could expand that to "REVELATION 1:1" and place that on the page, include the reftagger javascript (by looking at the source of that prior page) in the BX, and then anytime someone hovers over the verse they would see the full reftagger verse popup :)

EDIT: Note: You only have to include the reftagger stuff at the top of the page, so no ajax work to do in the page.  In the page, you just have "REVELATION 1:1" in the text somewhere, and reftagger picks that up automatically.

Code: [Select]
./biblepay-cli getwalletinfo
  "balance": 629975.95447854,

./biblepay-cli exec listproducts
    "Price": 12230,

./biblepay-cli exec buyproduct 0718083296
  "Command": "buyproduct",
  "OrderID": "ef91049ee3f2560c4abc15261fdc09640af20d98e20dcc2187b5f3e6eadb0b4e",
  "TXID": "ef91049ee3f2560c4abc15261fdc09640af20d98e20dcc2187b5f3e6eadb0b4e",
  "Status": "SUCCESS"

ubuntu@ip-172-31-34-47:~/biblepay/src$ ./biblepay-cli getwalletinfo
  "balance": 617745.95441494,

./biblepay-cli exec orderstatus
  "Command": "orderstatus",
  "0718083296": {
    "Product ID": "0718083296",
    "Price": 12230,
    "Added": "",
    "Title": "The NKJV, Holy Bible, Larger Print, Paperback",
    "Status1": "PLACED",
    "Status2": "",
    "Status3": "",
    "Details": ""


Looks like for key delivery_address2 it did not like the # I had in the value
For example I had delivery_address=Apt #12345
Removing the Hashtag worked!
Thanks Rob! :)
(Im off to bed for now!)

I added quicker order status updates for our users, so whoever orders the next bible in testnet should see more phases within a few hours.

Togo, on yours, you should see the tracking # now, can you please check?

Oh my explorer is behind Cloudflare so it can't be used as a seed node! I could provide a seed node on instead if you'd like.

Also, I just had an idea and I'm not sure what people think about it. That biblehash algorithm is really interesting and I kind of like to look at the bible verses in blocks sometimes so I decided to extract that information and provide it in a more "graphical way". I enabled it on the testnet block explorer.


Still a work in progress.

Holy cow, thats cool.  Thats going to make the Prod block explorer something really, really special for the community.
Things like this, going the extra mile will be what makes or breaks this coin!
If we continue with features like this until we have over 9,000 users, this coin will be unstoppable.
I believe we have about 1300 right now.  I was telling Togo its going to be a hard upward drive to attract the next 8700 but I think its possible if we do something PR related like give away 250 BBP for every wallet download (I can install a faucet serial number in the download, and help with this) and Ill give away my seed funds to help.

Anyway thats really great!  This is not a feature request, just an idea, but when I saw your verses and the way you included the Book & Chapter to the right of the verse, it made me think of the possibility of mapping the book to the long book name (There is actually a function in the wallet for that, and I can gladly make it an rpc call also), anyway if you had that mapping you could include this javascript from RefTagger for pop up bible verses in context:

See this example on this page when you hover over a verse:

Then if you like that verse you could read more about the verse. LOL.

EDIT: Oh ok 10-4 on the seed, well if its easy for you to point a DNS to it sure, dont want you to have to run an extra node.  The only port that they need is 40000 in prod, we probably dont need to worry about a seed for testnet but that port is 40001.

Yup it will definitely be interesting to see how long it can go for without biblepayd. I also have a second masternode running with valgrind just in case it crashes again so we get some useful info out of it.

Thanks for the command. It will definitely be useful if I have to implement it myself.

Agreed, something like dash central would be super nice to have !

Oh I also had a quick question, I was looking it at the chain param and I saw that:

Code: [Select]
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));

I was wondering what all of these were; Are they (beside, just leftovers?
You may already know this , but if a wallet is opened for the first time with peers.dat missing in the desert on a wifi connection, it will only know about "", and have no clue how to insert any addnodes.  So being on the seed list, will give a list of its known peers to the wallet and then the wallet will populate peers.dat.  (Thats why its a fallacy when people say to addnodes into your config.  You really only need one good addnode in your config, and thats if is down). 

Anyway, I forgot to take those others out.  They are useless.

I did add happys old broken BX into the list though, I think I should swap it out with your BX before the Christmas release.

Ill remove those old ones now.

EDIT: Ok, I replaced happy's with  Your explorer works great as a seed-node, in case is overloaded. 

Oh ok that makes sense! Last time I had biblepayd down for about 2 days and I was still receiving rewards for it that why I got worried and actually decided to test it.

I will try to see how long I can go on this run without biblepayd just for fun.

Also, I was thinking of implementing something like this on the block explorer

I see some other explorers have that but I'm not sure where they got it from since it doesn't seem to be from the original iquidus explorer, it must be from a fork but I can't really find it.  I will try to dig it a little bit more else I will just implement it myself since it doesn't seem that hard to do.
Yeah, that would definitely be helpful to know exactly when you stop receiving your payment.  Thats a good exercise for us to go through.  (Id also like to know why we all reset to new-start-required before we are done testing, but I have a hypothesis on that.  I had to run some reports on my two vultr nodes yesterday- and we only have 5 masternodes.  I have a feeling if half the masternodes go offline during watchdog voting, the entire network gets reset.  Why?  Because I believe the gobject id is no long valid for the round.  In prod, obviously with over 100 nodes, one person cant influence the network like that.  )
Thats a good find on that masternode BX.  That would definitely be nice!  I found the 'masternodelist full' command gives you the extra details, if you have to write it yourself.
That reminds me of the web stuff that dash central created.  Im going to have to think about that and ensure we have all that working also  :P.

Alright so I killed biblepayd for about 3 hours now, I checked it is actually not running on the node and it is not. However, I am still receiving  rewards for it. I checked from another node and it is also still showing as enabled. Is that normal?
Yeah, thats normal for up to 1 day.  Basically, when your node goes through the pain of becoming "Enabled" you have convinced all the other sanctuaries into voting you into existence for payment (they send gobject vote commands to each other until they agree on a hard ranked list).  Then they trust you for up to 24 hours.  During those 24 hours, your "watchdog" may expire meaning your sanctuary would have to vote for yourself.  Your vote will only go through if biblepayd is actually UP when you are called (so its risky, its called POSE - proof of service).  The node would definitely get caught within 32 hours of being down at the very longest (as watchdogs are 8 hour durations).

But anyway, once you are Enabled and trusted you have a place in the payment queue.  The other nodes will keep voting for your place to be kept, meaning that when is your turn to be paid, another node will pay you regardless of your real status, to keep the "hard" superblock iterator going.  Thats why our blocks with sancs enabled are about 1/2 the amount: the miner gets about half of position 0, the foreign sanctuary from the payment vector gets the other 1/2 and he may not be online (although with POSE he probably would be online).

Code: [Select]
./biblepay-cli getwalletinfo
  "balance": 629975.95447854,

./biblepay-cli exec listproducts
    "Price": 12230,

./biblepay-cli exec buyproduct 0718083296
  "Command": "buyproduct",
  "OrderID": "ef91049ee3f2560c4abc15261fdc09640af20d98e20dcc2187b5f3e6eadb0b4e",
  "TXID": "ef91049ee3f2560c4abc15261fdc09640af20d98e20dcc2187b5f3e6eadb0b4e",
  "Status": "SUCCESS"

ubuntu@ip-172-31-34-47:~/biblepay/src$ ./biblepay-cli getwalletinfo
  "balance": 617745.95441494,

./biblepay-cli exec orderstatus
  "Command": "orderstatus",
  "0718083296": {
    "Product ID": "0718083296",
    "Price": 12230,
    "Added": "",
    "Title": "The NKJV, Holy Bible, Larger Print, Paperback",
    "Status1": "PLACED",
    "Status2": "",
    "Status3": "",
    "Details": ""


Looks like for key delivery_address2 it did not like the # I had in the value
For example I had delivery_address=Apt #12345
Removing the Hashtag worked!
Thanks Rob! :)
(Im off to bed for now!)

Oh wow, thats great!  Sweet.

It looks like it went through.  Ill check on the tracking status in the morning and see if the message is going through.  Technically you are supposed to be able to do the list orderstatus and see the tracking.  Lets check that in the morning.

Awesome! Ok I tried again:

Code: [Select]
./biblepay-cli exec buyproduct 0718083296
error code: -1
error message:
Address Valiation Failed (US Addresses Only)

Hmm I put my address into UPS address validation and it looks good,
only difference is they add the the dash and 4 extra zip code digits at the end
EDIT: Tried dash and extra 4 zip digits, same error hmmm

Ok cool, yeah there is a lot to this, I had to make the Mouse API send messages through SmartyStreets to get it prevalidate the address because the AWS Api will not do that piece of it.  I sent you a pm with a possible solution.


There wasn't really anything in the log except this:
2017-11-23 10:58:07 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2017-11-23 10:59:35 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-11-23 10:59:35 ERROR: invalid header received d202afcba304c82b59ead0c82bbb545c65d5206f4318fc072ae6aa1f9fa83234

Is there a way to get more things in the debug.log (logging levels)? If so, I will just run it with the most logging possible.

My masternode is enabled right now as I restarted biblepayd when it crashed and restarted it ( ). What I am going to do now is kill biblepayd manually now and see if it still stays enabled and/or if I still keep receiving reward.

For the ecommerce post, I thought so too. Amazon is set to launch in Australia soon so maybe deliveries here will be possible too!

Yeah, you can set 'debugmaster=true' if you want, but its going to create Huge debug files.  Those messages are primarily for masternode debugging but I suppose there could be one that is revealing.  Im thinking I am possibly part of the problem here because I didnt upgrade 2 of my 3 nodes to the 1062 version (thats the one where we fixed the biblehash issue) so I might have sent you a bad header.  But still, thats supposed to d-dos ME and not make you crash.   (Edit:  I just upgraded my other 2 nodes).  Building windows now for the controllers.

If you want to run it with that switch, and "possibly" run valgrind again in testnet mode, if you get a crash, I believe valgrind might show the source stack trace of where it died and if you get that I can see what caused it to segfault right there?

Yeah, that would be cool if we could actually create some e-commerce volume through biblepay purchases.  Im interested in seeing 4-5 btc of trading volume due to this, then we could go and get on more exchanges and get a biblepay debit card started if that all came about.

Tested ecommerce again!

Facepalm... I had one config key misspelled... hahaha

I have a new error now:

Code: [Select]
./biblepay-cli exec buyproduct 0718083296
error code: -1
error message:

I believe these are the relevant lines in the code, I couldnt find USERID though:

Hi Togo,

Ok, I tracked down the "BAD USERID" error and I see whats happening- in the abstraction layer where AWS stores the order, there was an issue with having blank Email address, so I fixed that issue and it is deployed again, and, I also tested this on biblepay-cli vs QT and it actually works in both CLI and biblpayd and biblepay-qt, so its OK if you want to test it again on the -cli version.

EDIT: I also added more verbose error messages so if any field in the config is not stored you will get an error for that field - in the next version.

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