Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Active Discussions / Re: June 2022 - TestNet Release - Exodus
« on: June 18, 2022, 10:34:38 AM »
Thanks to everyone who helped in testnet.

Earlz what is your mainnet receive address so I can send you a reward?

** BiblePay Core Wallet - Mandatory Upgrade by height 346,500 **


- Transition to POVS (proof of video streaming)

Press Release:

Sanctuary Streaming Example:

Q:  Can we upgrade early?
A:  Yes

I see confusion in BBP Social medias, or FUD, from users who dual mine (no staking), with regards to the email " is moving - Action required".  Glad I'm not the only one  ;D

That email was strictly to instruct people to withdraw their funds from the old pool, because our new pool is no longer custodial.

Phase Iv

Hello brothers and sisters,

Receive much greetings from Kenya family. We are writing to seek for your prayers and any kind support towards our orphanage centre.  You have made us achieve some 3 phases. We say

thank for all who have been of help. We look forward to do the above item.

 In a number of days things have not been going well on our end. We seek from you friends a support to help in food, clothes, school supplies (books, pens and school uniforms) on this food

is the major thing to make them strong. We pray for God to open ways this phase to be complete. Once the project is done will attach all pictures

For those at heart to help here is the south exchange depositing : BMqkugTgJdEXMZa7uTxdPFsAbQTrMkqSSc

 or you can do western union through; Joshua oendo Isaiah. P.o box 8 ogembo 40204 Kenya Africa. ‪+254 725 564 930‬.

May the Lord richly bless you as we look forward for a kind help.

Hope for orphans center.
Pastor Joshua.

** Portfolio Builder has upgraded - Action Required ** has been migrated to our sanctuaries.  The login technology has been upgraded to use web3 (metamask) in contrast to login credentials.

Because of this, your portfolio builder settings need to be re-entered (otherwise your position(s) will not be showing on the Portfolio Builder Leaderboard in MAINNET).

Please verify that you are on this report if you have a PB position:


*** has moved ***

Our foundation web site and randomx pool has moved; the site is now running on our sanctuaries.
We have 40 miners mining:

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.

Note that our site is now web3 based meaning that you may login with metamask in order to set your nickname or portfolio builder settings.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2022 - TestNet Release - Exodus
« on: June 10, 2022, 07:56:38 PM »
So I'm shooting for a June 30 go-live for Exodus so I am trying to work out any last minute kinks.  One thing I changed that is not deployed yet (we can get it in the mainnet release) is for ROI purposes, I set it up so any Sanctuary owner may run up to 5 sanctuaries per 1 BMS.
The way this works is we require your Sanc port to be 40000, 10001, 10002 , 10003 or 10004.  This way you can effectively spread your VM cost over up to 5 sancs for good ROI when we go live.

Let me take a look at the OP post and Ill send out the last of the test cases.
From what I can see, things look pretty good for go live:
The RandomX mining is working
The daily portfolio builder contract is paying
The turnkey sanc feature appears to be working (Budinga and Rob have one in testnet) , Earlz feel free to test that, to test that just go to Turnkey Sancs and create a new one with tBBP in testnet mode.  Then fund it.
The video streaming appears to be working.
NFTs appear to be working.  Todd created an orphan NFT in testnet.

On a side note, you may notice that your BMS UI menu does not show "portfolio builder" or "NFT"; this happens when your sanc has less than 1 MM bbp in it.
The reason for this is we need the sanc to have a high balance in order to do the NFT operations for the user (it cuts the risk of any nefarious attack vectors by someone with no investment).  Once your balance is > 1MM, your menu will look like  (Except for the pool.  In order to have the pool show up the config settings for the pool need populated).

Active Discussions / Re: June 2022 - TestNet Release - Exodus
« on: June 10, 2022, 07:51:46 PM »

I edited the cat NFT , changed price, changed description a little and put it back up in the market place.
Looks like it worked.

Code: [Select]
Successfully submitted this NFT on TXID cad0dbc94c2e0bf038e3323c72fecb6bc0a1f334ac0e3295a90779dfbd868a4b.

Thank you for using BiblePay Non Fungible Tokens.

NOTE: Please wait for one sidechain block to pass before you can view the NFT.

Hi Earlz,

So it looks like some of our nfts are being d-dos attacked (I can see a 70GB attack on NFT images and profile pictures). So what I did next is added some code that stores new NFT files a different way which should prevent the d-dos, however these need recreated in order for it to work.  So after I bought the cat I deleted it.

I reentered a new testnet anti-ddos nft if you want to buy it now.
Just verify your balance decreases and let me know when you put it back up for sale.

*** BiblePay is now live on the Cryptocurrency Exchange ***

May God send a lot of volume our way to eliminate the sell wall from every exchange.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2022 - TestNet Release - Exodus
« on: June 03, 2022, 08:39:23 PM »

Next i did the portfolio builder settings on the testnet,  setting up the portfolio builder adress and signed the stakes in the core wallet. The email adress aswell.

I successfully sent 2 portfolio stakes, although i dont think the leaderboard on testnet is showing the correct values for me.  Correction i see the leaderboard has updated and shows the correct values for me. So that checks out.

Next i bought your NFT the "big kitty" 
Code: [Select]
You have successfully purchased this NFT on TXID e150bb0c76eb673ed1b96f10df795b54d892de65841ec63432a8b7331e7190ba.

In the wallet balance i had 10 000tBBP  now i see that it has changed to  9996.67 tBBP but i saw that you had put it up for 5555 tBBP.

Still i can see the NFT in  My NFTs page, so that works.

I ran the getrawtransaction command and got:

Code: [Select]
getrawtransaction e150bb0c76eb673ed1b96f10df795b54d892de65841ec63432a8b7331e7190ba 1


This is all i have for now, i will do some more testing in the coming days.
Have a good one.

Hi Earlz,
I got a chance to look into the NFT you bought.  One thats good you bought the cat, but there was a problem with the tx.
It didnt transfer to me the right amount (I think it sent me 2bbp).
So I was able to debug the problem - the issue is it was using the wrong amount during the Buy operation - I see the problem; fixed.
Code is redeployed.
I just bought an nft in testnet from my VMs metamask, and it did transfer the right amount this time; could you please edit the nft you bought with the cat and make it marketable again?  Then I can try buying it from you.

On PB, thats good you can see them now, I assume that part is working.
I will be working on adding native support for BTC & Doge & Dash next, so we dont have to wrap those coins.

If you want to buy another NFT, I also added the purchase price to the XML info inside the tx.  (We still need to implement Reserve auctions) right now we have Buy It Now only.
I need to recaption "Sponsor Me Now" instead of Buy It Now for orphans.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2022 - TestNet Release - Exodus
« on: June 03, 2022, 07:09:21 PM »
Evenin Brother Rob.

I also tested to make a proposal in testnet. Sure enough i see it in the "list proposals" after a while. The url link i had set worked, no problems.

Also i tested to vote and got the RPC command to copy paste and got :
Code: [Select]
gobject vote-many cac48c26fbf806689882f1a3776e1fd8dd63ace0bef89d6f3d6bbd5f320215e2 funding yes

Hi bro Earlz:
On the proposal, thats great.  I voted yes on it just now too, from 2 sancs.

I will take a look at the rest of this asap.

** Coin Gecko updated with BiblePay requirements **

CoinGecko needed a couple APIs to integrate with us in order to show circulating supply.

We have recently released this and CG is working on it.  Now CG should show all of our information to our valuable users and investors starting next week:

*** New Exchange Coming on Monday ***

Great news:  A medium sized coinmarketcap exchange is going to list biblepay this weekend.
I'm going to share the name of this exchange once the release is created on their end; but the deal is now pre-approved, praise God!

Could this be the breakthrough we have been waiting for?

First, we've been praying for this.  We've been praying that God sends exchanges to us, and sends Christian exchange owners to list our project.  Thank you God for how faithful you are to your children!

I love it because the trading volume has been decreasing on other exchanges and anyone that focuses on God's work deserves the best.
We pray for those other exchanges to increase in size also.  I pray for TOKOK to read Proverbs 16:11 and report accurate trading volumes consistently to the users.
And grow organically, and upgrade consistently when mandatory upgrades occur.

I pray for SouthXChange to receive blessings from unexpected places.

And I pray for BBP to enter through doors no man can shut and be blessed by God to expand his Kingdom.  May we create technical tools that glorify God and share the gospel to non believers!


Active Discussions / Re: June 2022 - TestNet Release - Exodus
« on: May 29, 2022, 01:12:15 PM »
User experience Changes:

You can use my sanc as a place to start testing (and you can use your sanc also, as long as the TestNet Height in the Status page is synced up to the chain height and the rpc changes have been made).
From this site:

We used to have "one" web3 User record for both chains, with a chain field indicator on it, but as of today, I completely moved to the new Two chain model, where TESTNET is on an entirely different sidechain (IE on its own inside biblepaycore).  What this means is you probably lost some of your user settings.

So please change to TESTNET mode (again do it from my sanc),go to User Profile, and re-save your TESTNET nickname and Portfolio Builder BBP testnet address (and avatar).
Then switch to MAINNET, and do the same thing (since these are completely separate chains now).
I just want to have these established so we can have this ready for Portfolio Builder testing and for NFT testing.

Next you can sign your testnet Stake and test portfolio builder, see if the graph works, the Leaderboard works and your position appears?

Next you can try to buy one of the NFTs.  Be sure you have your email address saved on that chain, so that we can test Email Receipts.

Also, note the CHAIN your on when you buy your nfts:  Each chain is distinct, so Mainnet NFTs will be different that testnet NFTs.

Try to create an NFT also (with a picture chosen).

Regarding testnet NFTs, one of the critical tests is to verify the Ownership changes from last owner to new owner and the funds were transferred during the ownership change.

I have a few TestNet nfts created.  Lets try this, will someone buy one and paste the TXID here that you bought it on and the amount, so we can do a 'getrawtransaction txid 1' and look at it.
After one block passes, verify that that particular NFT is in your "My NFT list".  And then I will verify it is Not in my NFT list.  Also once you create a new nft, paste its name here so I can buy yours and see if it appears in my nft list and you can verify you receive the money.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2022 - TestNet Release - Exodus
« on: May 29, 2022, 01:03:31 PM »
Many things to talk about, I suppose lets go back to Biblepaycore first, to the actual Sanctuary software (BiblePay core testnet):
Could you all please upgrade your sancs to :
This version POVS bans on the correct BMS port, and adds some sidechain features that BMS needs to operate, please do this first, then do a:
exec revivesanc sancname
To ensure you are not POSE banned.  Then continue.

BMS changes in this next release:
- Moved some of the sidechain code to biblepaycore c++.  This gives us a more solid foundation for the future (as far as syncing against chainlocks and leveraging LLMQ for sidechain).
- Refactored MYSQL backing to more efficiently work against the sidechain.  (This basically means we will eliminate polling and just apply database changes to blocks as they pass, and keep track of the tip as it changes).

So first a bit of configuration changes to BMS:
As of May 29th, I added some configuration changes to our BMS wiki installation guide, that adds some entries to the BMS.conf file, and some more entries to the Sanc testnet Config file , and some more entries to the Prod MainNet Sanc configuration file.

Please check out this document:

Look for "Phase II: Additional items", then add those items  to your bms.conf file and save it and exit nano.

Then add the Phase II items for the TestNet sanctuary biblepay.conf file (also located right after the bms changes in the doc).
Then save that and upgrade the sanc with the mandatory upgrade and restart it.
(Verify you are on
Then restart BMS by clicking:  ctrl-c  TWICE, which gives you your command prompt back, then restart BMS (by typing
dotnet BiblePay.BMSD.dll)

Once it starts check your :
/BMS/Status page
See if you have two new fields:
Check mine out as an example:
Look for the Block Count Main and Block Count Test.  Verify your Block Count Test is incrementing along with biblepay testnet.

Now the question is, what will all this do for your sanc?
This will give your sanctuary a database backing, which allows us to write the social media system on the sidechain.
Every block and transaction that passes is stored in mysql, and, more importantly sidechain transactions affect the Database views.

Once this is working then we can start to test NFTs.

Please let me know if your sanc syncs (it is not mandatory to configure the MainNet sanc settings yet, but I will configure them on my node so we can do some mainnet testing vs testnet before our go live so we dont have any surprises).

There are some things I need to explain regarding User Experience next.

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