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  • Costa82
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    • April 23, 2020, 09:10:05 PM
Low hashrate. Randomx dataset swiches to slow mode
« on: April 24, 2020, 11:44:05 PM »
First of all i appreciate the patience and understanding  of all the community when it comes to noob questions like the following.
For me this is the first experience in the crypto world, and seems a bit daunting. To my question.

Trying XMrig i realize that i get low hashrates of 60 to 100 H/S.
im using an inefficient system Intel Core Duo E7500 2.93GH  and 3 GB of RAM.

I optimized to a certain extent my Win10 to perform better following some guides concerning RandomX  but
it keeps not working and it switches to slow mode.
Adding memory to the PC would resolve the problem? Or there are ways to resolve this through the miner?

As a side note i m experiencing frequent disconnections from the miner, every about  a couple of minutes i have to  input again the mining  command to restart mining.
Its the miner configuration that i have to work on?

  • earlzmoade
  • Super Developer

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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: Low hashrate. Randomx dataset swiches to slow mode
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2020, 09:51:41 AM »
First of all i appreciate the patience and understanding  of all the community when it comes to noob questions like the following.
For me this is the first experience in the crypto world, and seems a bit daunting. To my question.

Trying XMrig i realize that i get low hashrates of 60 to 100 H/S.
im using an inefficient system Intel Core Duo E7500 2.93GH  and 3 GB of RAM.

I optimized to a certain extent my Win10 to perform better following some guides concerning RandomX  but
it keeps not working and it switches to slow mode.
Adding memory to the PC would resolve the problem? Or there are ways to resolve this through the miner?

As a side note i m experiencing frequent disconnections from the miner, every about  a couple of minutes i have to  input again the mining  command to restart mining.
Its the miner configuration that i have to work on?

Perhaps the ram could be a factor not sure about that but your CPU dont have hardware AES support so i belive that could be the problem here, that it wants to go to light mode.

Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Low hashrate. Randomx dataset swiches to slow mode
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2020, 11:16:52 AM »
First of all i appreciate the patience and understanding  of all the community when it comes to noob questions like the following.
For me this is the first experience in the crypto world, and seems a bit daunting. To my question.

Trying XMrig i realize that i get low hashrates of 60 to 100 H/S.
im using an inefficient system Intel Core Duo E7500 2.93GH  and 3 GB of RAM.

I optimized to a certain extent my Win10 to perform better following some guides concerning RandomX  but
it keeps not working and it switches to slow mode.
Adding memory to the PC would resolve the problem? Or there are ways to resolve this through the miner?

As a side note i m experiencing frequent disconnections from the miner, every about  a couple of minutes i have to  input again the mining  command to restart mining.
Its the miner configuration that i have to work on?

Out of curiosity Costa, did this problem resolve itself when we switched github branches over to plain vanilla xmrig?
The reason I ask is, in the original bbp-xmrig, we used more ram when submitting a solution (because we used to have blakehash), now we have just the RX hash only.

If not its probably like Earlz said:  AES-NI is required for efficient mining by rx (if the machine goes into software AES mode its slower).