Bible Pay

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Messages - T-Mike

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Its possible that it massively changed enough for google to remove it from the safe cache list.  (I remember we needed 500 downloads originally to get in the list).

Its also possible the new image files triggered it - but they are only pngs. 

Whats interesting is all the new code has nothing to do with mining, so thats kind of strange, because proof-of-dc is all business logic.

All I can say is I just installed it and Im running it - and to possibly scan it, on a 3rd party site first, and let me know how the result is?

My build environment is *very* secure.  Nothing comes into it but the existing opensource builds, and no dependencies have changed.

The cache may be what is causing it, I'm not too worried, just letting you know.

By the way, I installed the new Windows wallet but I'm getting a smartscreen error saying the file is potentially dangerous.

Before I break this, anyone who is having this issue, Id like to ask one test first.

Could you please go to the console and type 'exec dcc'
Then wait about 15 seconds and see what is in :

Please post the ls -l from that directory?

Also, please tell me if you are a sanc and if your 'masternode status' is enabled?  This procedure is only supposed to run on the "chosen sancs".  Those are the ones with a rank less than 10:1.

list -l
total 0

Mine says enabled.

Finally, windows is ready.  Turned out that "cancer" image caused all kinds of problems in the build. 

Summary of what has changed: - Windows & Linux - Leisure for Testnet

- Since protocol version has been increased, you will need 1088p (Windows) to start/stop a 1088 sanctuary
- Added more features to the rpc command : exec getboincinfo.  It now loops through all your cpids, and shows the RAC of each cpid and the total magnitude.  It also finds the last superblock you were in and prints some info about that (like total payments).
- Added the ability to Re-Associate a CPID with a new wallet.  This is Only if you lose your wallet or want to move your CPID to a brand new wallet.  Most of the time if you keep your wallet.dat you will never want to do this.  But if lets say you throw away your old PC and move, and buy a new PC, yet your existing CPID has say 100,000 credits, and you just want to associate that old CPID with a brand new wallet, Biblepay would say "Already_In_Chain".  To perform this action type : exec associate rosetta_email rosetta_pass force.  This will forcefully kill the old burn transaction and reassociate you. 
- Note the windows wallet has a GUI for DC association.
- Fixed the issue 616w mentioned where we show the POL weight info in prod (removed in prod), and Also verified that DC is not visible in Prod

** I have not looked at the SAN/Magnitude ST13 error yet, I will be looking at that next **

** I apologize to everyone I offended.  I want to take a breather and start over, but I want you all to keep an open mind and give DC a chance before disregarding it.  Lets test it, Ill add a vote for it, and if it fails the litmus test and the vote Ill go back to supporting POL/POBH fully.  But until then I feel we have created a feature that is #1 in crypto, especially when you take into consideration the security issue that has been solved in Biblepay (Sanctuary Quorum) **

That's great! Will test it out.

Thanks for apologizing, let's continue to work on this as a body.

Just got an error while sitting in console:

EXCEPTION: N5boost10filesystem16filesystem_errorE       
boost::filesystem::last_write_time: No such file or directory: "/home/biblepay/.biblepaycore/SAN/magnitude"       
biblepay in ProcessMessages()       

It keeps coming up over and over again.

Figured it out, the testnet also uses the biblepay.conf in the /.biblepaycore folder, not the /.biblepaycore/testnet3 folder.

I'm having some trouble getting the masternode running.

masternode list-conf says:
  "masternode": {
    "alias": "t_1",
    "address": "",
    "privateKey": "...BCXZC",
    "txHash": "...ebda4",
    "outputIndex": "1",
    "status": "PRE_ENABLED"

but masternode status says:
error code: -32603
error message:
This is not a masternode

How do I debug this? I'm using a hot wallet so I set up masternode.conf and biblepay.conf as below:

t_1 ...BCXZC ...ebda4 1


I'm also having trouble setting up the watchman:

[Errno 111] Connection refused
Cannot connect to biblepayd. Please ensure biblepayd is running and the JSONRPC port is open to watchman.

I have commented out the mainnet and un-commented testnet in watchman.conf

Its 500,000 in testnet.  Windows: No.

I recovered the 200k you sent me but I guess I will have to mine for more unless you can send me another 300k to yXbN5kN9kJiKNU5W7PGd4MFBe8rAM5baxF.


The DC side doesn't really affect the blockchain though. If the DC side goes down, the blockchain is still running because the POW is what keeps it going. If there are safeguards in place to insure the magnitudes are truthful I don't see a problem. Plus, perhaps the software can auto switch to 100% POW if certain criteria are met.

I'm not really an expert so please correct me if I'm wrong.

How many tBBP should i send the the sanctuary wallet? I'm going to try doing a hot wallet sanctuary. Is the windows wallet ready yet? Thanks.

The blocks are being solved by the controller wallet using POBh (POW), for a 10% reward, the other 90% is going toward the proof-of-dc budget for the daily superblock.  (These figures dont include our existing 20% budget, I was just trying to simplify the answer).

POL is disabled for two reasons:  (Trying to avoid forks - as POW is better for chainwork and security, and trying to avoid creating a business logic rule for the T-6 weight problem), secondly, I dont think we need it - as I think PODC starves off the botnet.  Its better to have a resilient reliable syncing chain.  (I dont want to bash it, its still a possibility if the issues are fixed - but Id rather error on the cautious side and evaluate this ecosystem first).

Thanks for the explaination, I understand now. I asekd about the POL because you wrote "The payment system pays out 90% of the available block subsidy to proof-of-dc, and 10% to proof-of-loyalty/proof-of-work." Hope testing goes well!

I'll run the testnet on my masternode tomorrow like you suggested.

You already read the two wikis at the top, correct?  (Did you see the Payments section)?

I see that 90% is PODC and 10% POL/POW, how is the POW work being commenced? Or what is mining that 10%? So the testnet is also testing the POL code also right? It is my understand that it does not exist right now.

Not all of it yet, will keep reading. I'm assuming those options are in the linux qt right? Because I'm compiling the -k version at the moment.

Rob, do you have an article explaining how it works? I don't understand how we are creating blocks or processing transactions if we are doing distributed computing.

Compiling the source code and installed BOINC. How do I obtain some tBBP for running a masternode?

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