Bible Pay

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  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Anyone know how to maximize BOINC CPU in command line on Linux?

I just checked on my Linux machine with top command noticed only 7 boinc/rosetta threads running at 100% CPU,
when I was expecting to see 16 threads at 100% CPU (like I saw after first installing BOINC and linking Rosetta)

I found some config files in the /etc/boinc-client folder: cc_config.xml and global_prefs_override.xml


This guide shows a giant config file:
cpu_usage_limit option stands out

Ill poke around some more tomorrow

I installed lubuntu-core and was able to open the BOINC Manager GUI and set my Options >>> Computing Preferences

Is 4GB RAM enough for Rosetta@home?

Also other than those crazy $3k server processors it looks like the AMD Threadripper 1950X for $900 is the best CPU to use, not sure how it plays out budget wise when you also factor in a more expensive motherboard and liquid cooling though. Curious how the power usage/electricity costs play out as well.

  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
TMike are your sanctuaries all in state: WATCHDOG_EXPIRED?

If needed I can spin up some more testnet sanctuaries but it seems like you got it covered :)

  • jaapgvk
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    • September 01, 2017, 08:02:57 PM
    • Netherlands
Am I on the right chain guys?

Code: [Select]

getblockhash 9205



Also, how to I check the exact version number? 'getinfo'  only says:
Code: [Select]
  "wallet_fullversion": "",

I'm using boinc on an Android phone now too. Great feature :)

Oh, and the Windows version isn't ready yet, right?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Forgot to answer this post yesterday sorry,
Please see inline:

So.... in that case, I have a few other questions :D

2. what will happened with credits from rosetta earned in testnet when it goes live?
-> For these credits, or for existing Rosetta researchers who come as new users to BBP, we honor their RAC, their current 2 week average, so technically, you are compensated for work done over the last 2 week period when we go live in prod.

3. If it will be fresh start (everyone with 0 RAC and magnitude), block will be solved after that 31 minutes rule, but what will be with "rosetta's block" reward within first day or two?
-> The people with RAC will have quite an edge in prod against the new users with 0 rac, but remember, anyone from the outside with RAC can take a share right off the bat if they know the project is going live

4. How we will change our control wallet from testnet to prod? With "exec associate rosetta_email rosetta_pass force"?
-> Yes, that is necessary in prod since we have to send out a burn transaction, therefore your CPID goes into the Prod Chain

5. How it is magnitude exactly counted?
->  We harvest a list of DC CPID's in the chain as of the superblock, for each CPID: we sum the current RAC for Rosetta, we sum the Total Rosetta RAC for Biblepay, we divide the Researcher RAC by the Total RAC, yielding a %, this % multipled * 1000 = magnitude. 

6. I understand, that there are bilions of combinations needed to be counted, but what if rosetta fullfil their mission?
-> If Rosetta decides to go out of business, I think first we look at the rest of the boinc projects for something noble, like AIDS, Alzheimers, and we look to adapt the project to their project.

7. Will be PODC prod update mandatory to all?
-> Yes, looks like the community likes it (from the governance vote).

Thanks a lot for fullfiling my curiosity :D

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Did something happen? There was only one masternode in the list and I had to restart all of mine.
I think something happened, I must have been dreaming of something "failing" as its 230 AM here and I woke up and thought it was 6AM and started working, I see the hard disk is full in testnet, full of errors, and 2 of my vultr Prod nodes have "Emergency Failures" (this is on the vultr side, they said Non Recoverable), LOL, start of a great morning. 

I need to filter out the log to see whats going on.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Block 9218 was not signed, time difference compared to previous block was >15min.

Good, that part seems to be working.
As far as How many consecutive can be solved by CPID, right now its set for 4 in prod and 1 in testnet, so a CPID cant be in the last 4 in Prod, and cant be in the Last 1 in testnet.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I don't have time to chase down why my RAC and Magnitude are zero.  How long does it take for these to ramp up?  It took somewhere around a day for the VPS to show under the "Your Computers" page.  Anyway, thanks for any help or input.   

"Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "84d803e4d82d3bdcdf8e2ab601e93e20",
  "Address": "yeqg7xVzYKimDfk5r7FavzWum4XMcJ1AoZ",
  "CPIDS": "84d803e4d82d3bdcdf8e2ab601e93e20;",
  "CPID-Age (hours)": 421828,
  "NextSuperblockHeight": 9603,
  "84d803e4d82d3bdcdf8e2ab601e93e20_RAC": 0,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
  "Last Superblock Height": 9504,
  "Last Superblock Payment": -1,
  "Magnitude": 0

It generally takes about 24 hours to start seeing things in Biblepay, but lets also tell the users this very important point:
On the boinc side, they can install boinc manager (they probably already did if they are in windows), click View | Advanced View.  View the Rosetta Row. Take a look at the RAC column.  That gives you an idea what your RAC is before it hits biblepay.  Then 6 hours later or so, the RAC in BBP should be close to that figure.  Another way to do it is to log into your Rosetta account, and take a look at your RAC.   Youll probably find it was Zero on the web page also at that particular time.

  • MIP
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Do we have Windows version already for 1090f? If you are too busy I can try compile it myself.
Thank you very much

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Can you explain all the items here briefly? Togo can use this information to add to the wiki. Like why is the RAC number different compared to the BOINC RAC.

Please see inline:

"Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "f80ab050ab53459ec937879a046d603e",

This is the Primary CPID of the researcher, used on the overview page and for future cosmetic features.
It does not restrict a users payments down to one CPID, but it lets us do things with it like the iPhone does (Sleek features).

  "Address": "yjKEf6GvMkuiXLXibCCtj9wt4ZEBwQ5i84",
This is the public bbp receive address associated with the CPID - this is also where rewards will flow into.

  "CPIDS": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee;71f1f1f46deb2f25961c7d9af06f2b31;95a79cd5829e8315b0b946709930df18;c


This is a list of CPIDs, if you have more than one CPID associated with this wallet.dat.  We iterate through this list in superblock payments to make sure you get full compensation.

  "CPID-Age (hours)": 421821,
This is how many hours your CPID has been alive.  This is useful if you are brand new and waiting for first reward.
We can then show messages like newbie warnings.

  "NextSuperblockHeight": 9207,
This is when the next payment is scheduled.
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_RAC": 450586762905843,
Here, we loop through each of your CPIDs, notice the prefix, and we tally your individual RAC per CPID.
This number should match the BOINC rac on the Rosetta row in the advanced view or in the web portal.

  "f80ab050ab53459ec937879a046d603e_RAC": 50242464,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 175686,
This is how much BBP you received over 24 hours for researching

  "Total Payments (One Week)": 1394916,
This is how much over one week
  "Total Budget (One Day)": 2730420,
This is how much was available in the budget for 24 hours for researching
  "Total Budget (One Week)": 55107360,
This is how much budget was available in 7 days for researchers
  "Superblock Count (One Week)": 68,
This is the count of PODC Superblocks that passed in one week, whether filled or not filled
  "Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 41,
This is the number of PODC superblocks that had research payments in them in one week.
** NOTE: The primary reason we missed a superblock is we did not have enough votes in the SanctuaryQuorum,
and that is most likely because some were either off line or not running in QT mode, but now we no longer require QT mode **

  "Superblock List": "9108,8613,8217,8118,8019,7821,7425,7326,7128,7029,6831,6732,6633,6534,6435,6336,6138,5940,
This is a list of superblocks with Research payments, very useful for finding a missing payment for a researcher
  "Last Superblock Budget": 1386000,
  "Last Superblock Height": 9108,
  "Last Superblock Payment": 30879,
This is the amount you were compensated in the last superblock
  "Magnitude": 25.31269870304076
Finally this is your magnitude, which is YourRAC/TotalProjectRac * 1000

*** NOTE:
You asked why your _RAC rows were so high and did not match Boinc.

It appears to be a bug and it appears to be affecting people with Multple CPIDs.  Those RACs should match.  It does not appear to be affecting the payments, so its just a display issue.  Ill look at that today.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Do we have Windows version already for 1090f? If you are too busy I can try compile it myself.
Thank you very much

Sorry, I did compile it but it appears to be buggy, there is something going on in testnet that is emitting huge logs.  So I cant release it.
It looks like the best thing to do if you can is build it on *nix for now.   Later today once we resolve this, Ill rebuild win again.  (The current windows release - that is out there now - is not good for testnet btw).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
    more Upgrade for Testnet

- Fix RAC display issues in exec getboincinfo
- Fix runaway connection issues
- Remove unecessary logging
- Fix float precision issue

** Windows is compiling **

  • znffal
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    • October 02, 2017, 04:01:47 PM
Ok, I think one nice thing about the PoDC is that we will reduce the number of VPS servers (which were really efficient at PoBH mining). Although I personally used vps to mine PoBH, I think in the long term it is better to rely on physical machines.

So a few stats

Physical server: Dell Power Edge: Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz, Quad Core:
                             On PoBH was getting HPS roughly 1000
                              On Rosetta, RAC = roughly 800

Vultr server: 1 cpu (not sure make model etc)
                            On PoBH was getting roughly 700 HPS
                            On Rosetta, RAC = roughly 350.

So the vps was ~70% of the physical server on PoBH, but ~45% on Rosetta.
So it seems, advantage physical machines (And that server I have is old, I imagine a newer i7 will kill a vps)

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
I think something happened, I must have been dreaming of something "failing" as its 230 AM here and I woke up and thought it was 6AM and started working, I see the hard disk is full in testnet, full of errors, and 2 of my vultr Prod nodes have "Emergency Failures" (this is on the vultr side, they said Non Recoverable), LOL, start of a great morning. 

I need to filter out the log to see whats going on.

Glad you got it fixed, I will compile the new version and wait a day before I deploy the other 9 nodes. It takes me about 2 hours to start all the nodes. No problem, it's just part of testing.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Glad you got it fixed, I will compile the new version and wait a day before I deploy the other 9 nodes. It takes me about 2 hours to start all the nodes. No problem, it's just part of testing.
Cool, I think its working now, Im not seeing anything unusual in the logs. 

I forgot to mention the newest version does have the 100ms sleep feature in the miner, so technically BBP should be using 1% cpu power when mining unless you set 'fullspeed=true'.  This is defaulted to true in prod, of course.

Im the only miner mining right now in testned (ca89*).

So the blocks are taking 15 mins each...

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Cool, I think its working now, Im not seeing anything unusual in the logs. 

I forgot to mention the newest version does have the 100ms sleep feature in the miner, so technically BBP should be using 1% cpu power when mining unless you set 'fullspeed=true'.  This is defaulted to true in prod, of course.

Im the only miner mining right now in testned (ca89*).

So the blocks are taking 15 mins each...

Did you need me to turn on the mining? I think it would be helpful if the sleep feature was a variable from 0-100 so people can adjust it according to their needs.

What else do we need to test right now?